Alternate Definitions for Hummocked ice

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Term: Hummocked ice
Definition: Ice piled haphazardly one piece over another to form an uneven surface.
Created 2022.03.08
Last Modified 2023.03.27
Contributed by GCW Glossary
Term: Hummocked ice
Definition: Sea ice piled haphazardly one piece over another to form an uneven surface. When weathered, it has the appearance of smooth hillocks.
Created 2022.03.08
Last Modified 2023.03.27
Contributed by GCW Glossary
Term: Hummocked ice
Definition: Sea ice piled haphazardly one piece over another, predominantly in the form of ice ridges and separate hummocks.
Created 2022.03.08
Last Modified 2023.03.27
Contributed by GCW Glossary
Term: Hummocked ice
Definition: A form of pressure ice in which pieces of ice are piled haphazardly, one piece over another, to form an uneven surface. When weathered it has the appearance of smooth hillocks.
Created 2022.03.08
Last Modified 2023.03.27
Contributed by GCW Glossary
Term: Hummocked ice
Definition: Sea ice terminology, which describes ice that is piled chaotically, one piece over another, to form an uneven surface. When weathered, hummocked ice has the appearance of smooth hillocks.
Created 2022.03.08
Last Modified 2023.03.27
Contributed by GCW Glossary
Term: Hummocked ice
Definition: Pressure ice characterized by haphazardly arranged mounds or hillocks ("hummocks"). This has less definite form than rafted ice or tented ice, but in fact may develop from either of those as melting, sublimation, or drifting changes the sharper ice edges into more rounded shapes.
Created 2022.03.08
Last Modified 2023.03.27
Contributed by GCW Glossary