Iceberg tongue

Alternative definitions (5), class: vernacular (0)
Term: Iceberg tongue
Definition: A major accumulation of icebergs projecting from the coast, held in place by grounding and joined together by fast ice.  NSIDCCryosphere 

A major accumulation of icebergs projecting from the coast, held in place by grounding and joined together by fast ice.  WMOSeaIce 

A major accumulation of icebergs, bergy bits and growlers projecting from the coast, held in place by grounding or joined together by fast ice.  Bushuyev 

Sea ice terminology describing a major accumulation of icebergs that are projecting toward the coast, held in place by grounding and joined together by fast ice.  ECCCanada 

A major accumulation of icebergs projecting from the coast, held in place by grounding and joined together by fast ice.  SPRI 

Created 2017.06.06
Last Modified 2022.03.08
Contributed by GCW Glossary